prevent: ✓ prevent someone from doing something ✗ prevent someone to do something

By | March 22, 2017
prevent someone from doing something
prevent someone *to do* something
Time is what prevents everything from happening at once.
Il tempo è quello che impedisce che tutto succeda contemporaneamente.
– John Archibald Wheeler
✓ The snowstorm prevented us from leaving.
✗ The snowstorm prevented us *to leave*.
La tempesta di neve ci ha impedito di partire.
The verb prevent is often followed by object + from + -ing (not object + to-infinitive). Some more examples:
✓ There is nothing to prevent us from going.
✗ There is nothing to prevent us *to go*.
Non c’è niente che ci impedisce di andare.
✓ Only a total disaster can prevent them from winning now.
✗ Only a total disaster can prevent them *to win* now.
Solo un disastro totale può impedire che loro vincano ormai.
✓ How do I prevent people from finding my Facebook profile?
✗ How do I prevent people *to find* my Facebook profile?
Come faccio ad impedire alle persone di trovare il mio profilo Facebook?

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