factory vs. firm vs. farm vs. fabric

By | December 23, 2016
factory vs. firm (= company) vs. farm vs. fabric
Hollywood is a factory. You have to realise that you are working in a factory and you’re part of the mechanism. If you break down, you’ll be replaced.
Hollywood è una fabbrica. Devi accorgerti che lavori in una fabbrica e che fai parte del meccanismo. Se ti guasti, verrai sostituito.
– Mel Gibson
✓ Our firm has three factories which produce around five thousand pairs of shoes a day.
La nosta ditta ha tre fabbriche che producono circa cinquemila paia di scarpe al giorno.
✓ When we were kids, in the summer we used to stay on my grandfather’s farm. We often helped him in the fields, and sometimes he even let us drive his tractor!
Quando eravamo bambini, d’estate stavamo nella fattoria di mio nonno. Spesso lo aiutavamo nei campi, e a volte ci faceva addirittura guidare il suo trattore!
✓ This fabric is made with synthetic fibres.
Questa stoffa è fatta con fibre sintetiche.
A factory is a large building in which goods are manufactured.
✓ Pollution from the factory has killed all the fish in the lake.
L’inquinamento che proviene dalla fabbrica ha ucciso tutti i pesci nel lago.
A firm is an organisation which produces goods or provides services for people to buy. One synonym of firm is company.
✓ Our firm employs over one thousand people in eleven countries.
La nostra azienda dà lavoro a più di mille persone in undici paesi.
A farm is an area of land where crops are grown and/or animals are kept (and the buildings on it).
✓ The farm mainly grows cereals.
La fattoria produce principalmente cereali.

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