without: ✓ without + any/anyone/anything etc. ✗ *without + no/no one/nothing*

By | October 26, 2016
without + any/anyone/anything etc.
without + *no*/*no one*/*nothing* etc.
I’m always slightly envious of people who become extremely rich without anyone knowing who the hell they are, like financiers.
Sono sempre un po’ invidioso di persone che diventano estremamente ricche senza che nessuno sappia chi diavolo sono, come i finanzieri.
– Michael Caine
✓ He came to the United States without anything to his name. Now he’s a millionaire.
✗ He came to the United States without *nothing* to his name. Now he’s a millionaire.
E’ arrivato negli Stati Uniti senza niente. Ora è milionario.
Without has a negative meaning, so we don’t use a negative word with it (so-called “double negatives” aren’t considered “standard” English). Some more examples:
✓ She left the room without saying anything. (= saying nothing)
E’ uscita dalla stanza senza dire nulla.
✓ Did you do it without any help? (= with no help)
L’hai fatto senza nessun aiuto?
✓ She’s all dressed up without anywhere to go. (= with nowhere to go)
E’ tutta vestita bene senza un posto dove andare.

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